Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Beloved M Class

Okay, so some of my classmates actually ended their blogpost with this class post. So now I'm going to do the same thing :D

So this photo was taken yesterday, on Tuesday in Drawing Fundamental class.
This class photo session was not planned at the first time.
I was only thinking of taking photo with the teacher because this teacher is my most favorite teacher, and that day was the last day we will meet him in class. So I want a photo with him since I like him so much~
Then suddenly it turns out we take photo of the whole class
But it was funner that way. 

 I really love my class this time. I think I'm lucky to be in VA1M class, all of the people are so fun and nice. I wonder if I will be able to find another class this fun. At first, of course I was thinking that everybody will be more individual and will not mix up together... But turns out that we all can be good friends and I can feel the togetherness. But sadly, in a count of months we will be separated and enter our own majors.... Just when we start to be comfortable and get along. 
But that's life, there's always good byes.
So we need to enjoy this time to the fullest, because it doesn't last forever

Till next time..

::::: Clara Lee :::::

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