Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Have you guys heard of IU? She is a korean singer, and she's my favorite solo singer~ She doesn't belong in any bands. I heard that the management purposely do it because her voice is unique, and she won't sound good if she sings with other people. Her voice sounds good when she sings alone. So anyway, this is what she looks like if you don't know..

See how cute and pretty she is!! :D I was practicing my face proportion drawing that time, and I thought of myself since I like IU so much, why not do a potrait of her? So finally I drew her and this is the result!
It sucks... and doesn't look like her LOL but I don't care
Im quite proud of it since I put an effort in drawing it..

Looks so different but oh well...
I just need to keep practicing because practice makes perfect.

Till next time.

::::: Clara Lee :::::

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