Sunday, September 15, 2013

BALI DAY 2: part 2~ Painting Museum and Kecak Dance

HELLOOU~ as it is seen from the title, this post is about my trip to Bali. That day we decided to have lunch in this famous restaurant called "Bebek Bengil" which means dirty duck in English. They have a history of why the restaurant name is like that.. If I'm not mistaken is because at first, when this place was still a small restaurant, there's a very big rice field there. And every evening, many ducks come to swim and play, and after they get dirty with the mud, they will walk in the floor and it's dirty with their footprints everywhere. So that's where the idea of the name comes from.... (it's if I'm not mistaken) haha.
Me and my pretty and always young mom at Bebek Bengil~

 These are food we ordered... It is a Balinese cuisine. :D My family loves it... And this picture is the photo of my chauffeur in Bali... He is a very polite, patient, and nice guy... :D We had lunch with him and treated him to appreciate his hard work driving us everywhere from day to night..

And then, the next stop is the painting museum. 

This is the inside of the museum.. The building is already very old and vintage-y. But they still maintain it and look very neat....

a bonus of my photo~
 Due to the rules in the museum, we cannot take photos so I don't have the photos of the paintings that were being shown there... You can go by yourself if curious.. (come visit Bali, I guarantee you will love it :D ) It's mostly about history... (I guess?) hahaha because I do not really understand all the paintings ._.
BOO~! It's a Barong.

 Anddd, at the night time we watched a Kecak show. It is really popular~ I think it's a must watch show for you to get to know more about Bali culture... 
And here are some snapshots I took from the show...

There's a story and meaning behind this show, check it out if you are curious~
And after the Kecak show, there's a Kuda Lumping. The person who performs this attraction is believed to be possessed that's why he has a supernatural power... And you see the flame below? there's a lot of burnt woods and charcoal there and it is blazing HOT. And see how the person steps on it and do the dance? ;)
So interesting right!!! 

So, the day ended with this awesome show! After that we went back and get rest for tomorrow's trip~ 

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