Monday, September 30, 2013


This is a banana themed post guys! It's just random and out of nowhere but that what makes it's fun to read ;)

So actually, it is only about banana flavored snacks I got in Korea. All of them tastes so nice!!! Maybe because of the banana flavor? I dunno why I just love bananas~ they are so lovable like minions!! *yayy*
 no wonder why minions love banana so much because they are SO. FREAKING. DELICIOUS!!!

The first one is this banana ice cream I got in a convenience store! I am just crazy about ice cream and I need to eat at least one per week.... (yes I am that addicted to ice cream.)

So I decided to rummage in the ice cream freezer in hope of finding a good ice cream... when I got my eye on this unique banana ice cream. 

 It tastes soo nice, just as I expected. It consists of two layers, like a real banana!
You need to peel the skin off before actually tasting the banana ice cream. You can also eat the "banana skin" because it is made of jelly candy, but I don't really like it actually. I just want the ice cream inside it. But I find the idea really nice to make an ice cream like this :D

Okay, the next one is this banana milk from Binggrae, a famous Korean brand... known for it's freaking delicious ice cream (to me).

Who doesn't know this milk?? It's really famous and tastes really good too.
They also sell it here in Singapore however with different packaging, and definitely more expensive.

So here's what it looks like. 

And then last but not the least, is this Dunkin Donut's banana donut!!!

 It's not actually a donut when it is not circle shaped.... But you get the idea right... Tastes really good, with the chocolate bun underneath and banana flavored sugar frosting!! I'm now craving for more.....

This banana donut can only be found in Korea I think............ Because I haven't find it in another place.

It's cracking but still nice.
So that's the last one to complete this banana post today.
until next time~

::::: Clara Lee :::::

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