Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modeling for a day

Now I'm gonna tell you about my experience when I went to South Korea. We were given the chance to modeling for a day. We can choose whether to model a evening dress or a hanbok (traditional Korean dress). I chose to model the evening dress because I already took another photoshoot using Hanbok, so I thought it will be boring if I use Hanbok again now... So anyway here are some shots of the fashion show... Here are the other tour group's show before mine...

 Most of them use the Hanbok clothes.... The show was really nice and fun, because each person need to show a different move and pose in the end of the show. So it was interesting to see what pose they will come up. We need to go up in couples, either boys&girls, or girls&girls. Because I was left alone, so I am partnered with a local student there. There are 3 korean guys in options, but I was partnered with this guy with glasses. He was so funny, and nice. Even though we cannot really communicate due to language problems, but we did joke around and we talked about some things and we even talker about Jang Geun Suk which is my favorite actor!! *woooo*, he also told me to relax at the show later and he will help to guide me~ 

so it's finally our turn. And we were supposed to act like couple... so awkward!!

 Best photo so far below~ :D

And finally~ the show is over!!

 It was quite fun actually.... we laughed because it's just too funny to act romantic hahahahaha it is such an unforgettable memory~

 Took photo with the local Korean student... I felt so cool taking photos with them. LOL

 Later we ate lunch at a nearby Korean restaurant...

Im not a fan of Korean food but  I can say that the food here really nice, and I love a cuisine named Japchae the most~!

So that's all~ till next time

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