Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday Morning Gardening

Back in my house in Jakarta, I don't have a garden... I don't even have a space for it because my house is located in a cramped and busy area where the houses are only tall 3 stories high and not wide. My house is not like houses in a specific housing location... It is just so noisy in my place and crowded, it's just... not nice. -_-
So that's why when we want to plant plants we can only do it inside a pot. I'm not really a green thumb actually but I was inspired from a K-drama called Love Rain where the main character loves to garden. (SEE HOW EASY I GET INFLUENCED! OMG)

So it was a Sunday morning an the weather was cool and breezy when I watered the flowers.. so I thought why not take photos in this perfect day.

The first one is my favorite plant which only blooms flower in the morning. I get excited every morning to see the flowers~

The next one is this plant.. which looks nice but not really a favorite. But I did paint this plant which I will post in the next post~ (stay tuned!)

*and when you pay attention to the background you can see the house next to mine... In case if you are wondering... My house is that type too with 3 stories high and small width*

This plant below is also another of my favorite.... And it started blooming a lot!! I was super happy to see it

cute plant shaped like a hair / octopus???

And getting my sprayer  ready to give these guys a shower!!!

I also matched my nail polish that day with the color of the leves... HAHA

photographed by
::::: Clara Lee :::::

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