Friday, September 6, 2013

3D Fundamentals: My Wire Prototypes

This post today is about my first 3D Fundamentals lesson project. We were asked to watch a few dancing videos with different music and dance moves. While we were watching it, we also need to make a continuous line sketch based on the video we watched. It could be anything, so I just move my hands according to my feeling while watching it. Turns out really confusing and abstract. And then we need to make a wire model based on the sketches we did. And so then I started make the first wire. As you can see from the picture below these are the wire models. It is quite small actually, it's only about 7-8 cm tall. I took the photos from different angles and view so that people can analyze it better.

This is the first model
 This is the second model

 The third model

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